Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meeting Changes

We are going to change up our meeting time from Wed evenings to Saturday afternoons.  Our next meeting will be March 14th at 2 pm at Stellar Beans.  We will discuss The Storied Life of A J Fikry by Gabrielle Zevon.  If you want to eat, you can just order off the menu when you arrive.  Or you can just have coffee.  Looking forward to seeing some returning old members as this time will allow them to come also.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Moonrise by Cassandra King

Loved the descriptions and the conflict between "best friends". No one is exempt from shallowness and deception in this book about betrayals.

Set in the beautiful Highlands area of North Carolina; the breathtaking beauty of the Smoky Mountains and a nocturnal garden are woven beautifully into the themes of the story.

Love reading Cassandra Kings books!

The Reading Circle by Ashton Lee

While the first book in the series and the beginnning of this book featured stereo-typed caricutures of the people of  Cherico, Mississippi; there is a transformation around page 147.  The people become real and have more depth and development.

I really enjoy the concept of how a library is central to a community; the life-blood that pulses with the rhythm of small town politics.

Glad to see the author continue to develop his characters and look forward reading future books