Friday, August 29, 2008

Girlfriends Weekend & Gustav

For those who have signed up thus far, Queens Beverly, Laurie, Boo and myself...guess we'll have to work on a costume.  Check this photoe out for last year's winner of the costume contest.
For those who intend to attend.  The deadline for $150 if August 31, if you can't get your check in you can call kathy on her cell at 903-445-2353 or shop 903-665-7520 to purchase by credit card.
We are praying that Gustav doesn't come visit us.
Our family will be leaving for Houston/katy for the weekend and see from there whether we will visit Gene's family north of Dallas or mine in North Arkansas.  
Queens please try to keep us inform of your whereabouts and that you are okay. You can go to our Blog Site and hit comment at the bottom of this post.  Your notes will then be posted to the blog
Much Love
Queen Kay