Sunday, July 5, 2015

SWLA PQ Changes

Congratulations to Beverly Martin for being chosen as the next Head Queen for the Southwest Louisiana Pulpwood Queens!  She has been a stalwart member of our group since it was formed in March of 2008.  She has been my right hand and I couldn't haven don'e what I did without her assistance.  I know she will serve you all well as Head Queen.

One of the new changes is a new meeting time.  It will be on the last Thursday of the month at Stellar Beans.  Since this is a time when Stellar Beans is normally open it will not be necessary to phone your food orders in ahead of time.  Just order when you arrive.  Thank you Danita for all your help in coordinating our meetings.

I haven't gone far...I'll still be helping with our PQ...once a Queen always a Queen!

Happy Reading!