Hello Queens,
I just saw that Pat Conroy had an interview with NPR recently. Here is the link to read or listen.
Conroys Reading Life: A Search For Safe Harbors http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=131099645&sc=emaf
Also, the website I mentioned at the party last night is called Library Thing. www.librarything.com
My user name is "greener" if you join and want to be friends. I just started using it after my cousin introduced me, but I like it alot. I've been using it to keep track of and rate the books I have read recently. It may even be possible to copy my library so you don't have to create your own entries for book-club books we have read. Oh, and lots of authors are members and have pages, they also sometimes even host online discussions. Pretty cool!
Happy reading!!! and Merry Christmas :)
Erin Green